Could I Be Required to Have Renter’s Insurance?

One of the benefits of partnering with Western Insurance Associates in Spokane, WA is having access to genuine insurance professionals who can answer your questions.

These queries range across various domains, from car insurance to life, homeowners insurance, and even renters’ insurance. One common question we encounter is whether a tenant can be obligated to carry renters’ insurance. Here’s what you need to know:

Renters insurance is not a legal requirement.

While the law mandates drivers to carry car insurance, there is no such legal requirement in place for renters’ insurance.

Can my landlord require me to carry it?

Property owners, landlords, or property managers can indeed require tenants to secure renters’ insurance. This stipulation is becoming increasingly common in lease agreements.

The landlord’s insurance does not protect your personal belongings.

While the property owner may have their own insurance policy, it likely does not cover the tenant’s personal belongings. This is one reason some landlords mandate tenants secure renters’ insurance.

What does renters insurance cover?

Renters insurance protects personal items such as furniture, kitchenware, clothes, bedding, jewelry, and others from theft, fire, and vandalism. Electronics may be covered according to the specifics outlined in the policy. Personal belongings may also be covered when the insured is traveling.

Another valuable aspect of renters insurance is the liability protection it can provide should a friend, visitor, or delivery person sustain an injury while on the rented property.

Contact Western Insurance Associates for a quote.

One of the often surprising aspects of renters insurance is its affordability. If you would like a quote, contact us at Western Insurance Associates in Spokane, WA. After a few simple questions, we can provide one.

We look forward to assisting you.