Recreational Insurance – Liability, Theft, and Damage Protection for Your Investments

Recreational equipment used or stored outdoors is susceptible to damage or theft. Recreational insurance can protect your equipment, enabling you to repair or replace it.

Recreational Equipment and Liability Concerns

Assess your recreational equipment and consider the risks associated with its use. You might be concerned about potential accidents if you own a relatively new piece of equipment. Navigating recreational equipment can be challenging for new owners and operators.

Liability protection covers you if you harm another person or damage their property. Identify the risks associated with using each piece of equipment and decide how much coverage you need.

Theft and Vandalism Concerns

Consider the possibility of your equipment being tampered with. If you use your recreational equipment in a populated area, there may be a risk of theft or damage.

Every recreational equipment owner should be concerned about theft and vandalism. Insurance against criminal activity will reimburse the out-of-pocket costs necessary to repair or replace tampered equipment.

Weather Variables to Consider

Consider the weather conditions when using your equipment. Recreational equipment used during stormy weather could be at risk of severe damage. Protection that covers your equipment against natural disasters may provide the relief you need.

Western Insurance Associates: Serving Spokane, WA

Contact one of our insurance agents at Western Insurance Associates. An agent will gather key information from you and recommend recreational insurance coverage that provides protection when your equipment is being used or stored outdoors.